Meniran Leaf (Phyllanthus niruri L.) - exterminate Cancer by Traditional Medicine.
Plant grass herb is very easy to be found all around us, and uniformly in almost all regions in Indonesia. However, Meniran generally not cultivated commercially as a medicinal plant. Meniran often considered a weed that grows wild in damp, rocky, and sandy. Regional spread of this plant, are India, Malaysia, the Philippines, Australia, China, and Indonesia.
Today, the plant is ang Meniran talked about, because properties are believed to increase the system kekbalan body. Various studies on medicinal plants that have a strong role in boosting the immune system, has been done, one of which is Meniran.
Some chemical constituents Meniran is phyllantin, niranthin, hypophyllantin, nirtertalin. Lately, Meniran became popular because of its benefits as a plant immune system booster. Meniran been proven through clinical testing, so it is quite safe to take the recommended dose.
The immune system, which is much needed in the therapeutic treatment of cancer, so Meniran, having a much-needed role in the body's immune cells attack the cancer.
Utilization Meniran formulated with other Medicinal Plants.
Prepare Meniran herb 50 gr, 30 gr Paniculata, Temu-White 20 gr, 20 gr Gathering-Mango, and 30 g of dried Rosella relationship. Wash all ingredients, boiled with water 600 ml of water to boiling, until the remaining one-half cup of water and let cool. Drink three times a day, to drink half a glass. Boiling water is bitter, so diminished sense of bitterness, add a tablespoon, pure honey, or brown sugar to taste.
Salah satu tanaman herbal di farmakologi adalah meniran. Stimuno untuk balita/anak dan dewasa ada kontraindikasi, yakni jangan (tidak boleh) diminum oleh wanita hamil, ibu menysusui, pasien dengan hipersensitivitas terhadap tanaman meniran (Phyllanthus niruri) dan pasien yang menderita penyakit autoimun.